
NPL: Oslo to Lindesnes

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The starting (or ending) point for the NPL (Norway Cape to Cape) is Lindesnes. I could have taken a bus/train from Oslo, but I had never seen much of the south coastline before, so why not cycle this part too!

Day 06 - Oslo to Holmestrand
Distance/accumulated: 89.2 / 564.7
Avg/max speed: 16.1 / -
Elevation gain: 1005 m

I said goodbye to Håvar and his family, then I headed down to Majorstua in Oslo. The map shop (Nomaden) was not open yet so I did some sightseeing in Vigelands Park first. Just outside of Oslo I had my first flat tyre. The spare tube was flat too, so it was taking lots of time to repair both. Then I had major route finding issues, because of myriad of roads and cycling paths out to Sandvika and Asker. It was late afternoon when I arrived Drammen, and from there I continued to Holmestrand on local roads (to avoid E18).

Day 07 - Holmestrand to Helgeroa
Distance/accumulated: 114.7 / 679.4
Avg/max speed: 17.6 / 51.4
Elevation gain: 1131 m

I cycled directly to Horten and took a break there. Then I continued to Tønsberg, but did not care about going downtown because I've been there two times before. Again I had some troubles avoiding E18, but eventually I got to both Sandefjord and Larvik by local roads. From there I took a local road to Stavern, where I rested one hour and chatted with a Swedish couple who drove from New York to Patagonia by car 25 years ago (what an adventure!!). Staying the night in Helgeroa, boarding the first ferry to Langesund tomorrow morning.

Day 08 - Helgeroa to Portør
Distance/accumulated: 65.8 / 745.2
Avg/max speed: 16.5 / 53.1
Elevation gain: 959 m

The boat from Helgeroa to Langesund had its first day in operation this summer (pure luck!!). Crossing the fjord through myriad of islands was a great experience. We arrived Langesund after one hour. Then I started on the exhausting up and downs all the way to Kragerø, partly on a very steep dirt road. Kragerø is a beautiful city, so I spent a few hours there, before boarding a ferry to Stabbestad. I decided to take a side trip to Portør, and ended up staying the night next to the ocean.

Day 09 - Portør to Arendal
Distance/accumulated: 82.5 / 827.7
Avg/max speed: 20.1 / 51.4
Elevation gain: 998 m

I had to wait 3 hours for the ferry from Øysang to Risør. But this dead time was spent wisely though, because I finally had time for a much needed overhaul/service on my bicycle. I also met two Swiss girls waiting for the ferry, they were planning to cycle to Stavanger, but only 50-60km a day. Risør is a perfect example of a south coast town/city with white wooden houses and plenty of flowers. I continued on the coastal road to Tvedestrand and ended up in Arendal (Nidelv Camping).

Day 10 - Arendal to Mandal
Distance/accumulated: 135.2 / 962.9
Avg/max speed: 21.3 / 62.6
Elevation gain: 1469 m

The road from Arendal to Grimstad (R420) was short and easy. Between Grimstad and Lillesand I opted for the old E18, to avoid the very hilly and strenuous cycling path between those cities. That was a good idea, except that the new E18 was closed and all the cars where now using old E18. A big truck (with foreign plates) almost knocked me off the road, what a bastard! From Lillesand I continued to Birkeland to avoid E18. That's adding quite a few kilometers extra to Kristiansand but it's worth it. Kristiansand is one of those big cities, so it's just a mess to navigate your bicycle around here. Continuing to Mandal I ended up on the very trafficked E39, thus more extreme sport cycling. Very happy to be safe and sound in Mandal after a long day.

Day 11 - Mandal to Lindesnes
Distance/accumulated: 46.8 / 1009.7
Avg/max speed: 19.6 / 54.9
Elevation gain: 602 m

A short day to Lindesnes, but quite a few hills to climb even here. An interesting meeting with the lighthouse manager, who published this story about me.

Previous leg: Stryn to Oslo
Next leg: Lindesnes to Stryn

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Posted by gfg on Monday, June 29, 2009. Filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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