
Mount Mayana and Alona Beach

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We decided to take a few days away from the bustling city life in Cebu City, so we went to Bohol Island to do Mt Mayana (870m) and spend some time on the beach.

Mt Mayana is the highest peak on Bohol Island, but the short and uninteresting hike is only a "must-do" for highpointers like me. I recommend that normal tourists rather spend their valuable time on Alona Beach, the Chocolate Hills and Tarsier spotting at Bohol.

I found no information about Mt Mayana on the internet, so we just had to rely on google maps and ask the locals in Jagna how to get to the trailhead and the summit. When we actually got there it was a huge disappointment to find out that the highest point was off-limit due to telecom installations and private restricted area. We got within 10 meters of the true summit, but the security guard would not let us is. Emily has written a trip-report which can be found at her website, please read that for more information about Mt Mayana. I have also posted the GPS-track further below.

After Mt Mayana we went to Panglao and Alona Beach, one of the best scuba diving spots in the Philippines. The white sand beach is really beautiful and much cleaner than last time we visited back in 2009. The layout with bars and restaurants around the beach, creates an ambience similar to that in Thailand.

Unfortunately we never got to see the corals and paradise islands offshore of Alona Beach, because next morning it was raining heavily. We decided to cancel the boat trip, but we will be back another time....

My GPS-track at EveryTrail (also possible to download)

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Posted by gfg on Tuesday, January 08, 2013. Filed under , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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