
Five days in the paradise of Fiji

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I spent 4-5 days and nights on Beachcomber Island (Fiji) together with some other backpackers. The tiny island didn't offer much more than beach life, snorkeling, scuba diving and endless parties, but it was outrageous fun.....

When I arrived Nadi Airport 12.June 2001, I met another backpacker (Ian from Ireland) and decided to join him and take a boat to Beachcomber Island. Ian said this was the best party-scene in Fiji. After 3 weeks of strenuous walking in New-Zeeland, it could do with a couple of beers I thought.

Together with a lonely female traveler (Polly from England) we hired a speed-boat. One hour later we arrived Beachcomber Island. To save some money on accommodation, and spend more on drinking, we chose the big mixed dorm with 100 beds. A lot of nudity was to be seen here later on....

This was the beginning of 4 days with endless party. The first night we met a couple from New-Zeeland, two crazy boys from England and a beautiful girl from Scotland who had been left here all alone by her travel mate (what a stupid guy!). The eight of us hanged around for the rest of the stay.

Every evening we started off with all these silly card-games, like drink a beer in 10 seconds, tell about your first sexual experience, take a nude bath and so one. But funny it was, and drunk we got....

Hang-over and swimming is not a good combination. The second day I almost drowned when diving from a boat. I fell into the water like a rock, and had big problems keeping my face above the surface. Not funny at all....

The big happening every night, was the Bhula-Bhula-dance. The first evening we all looked quite stupid I think, but after a lot of practice we danced almost like the natives.

Fiji was a blast !!!

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Posted by gfg on Sunday, June 17, 2001. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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